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Rework Traditions: An Exploration of Ceramic Sculpture

Opening hours:

July 19th-July 30th ( CLOSED Monday, July 24th)

Open 12 pm- 5 pm Monday, Tue, Wed, Fridays

Thursdays open to 7 pm

Weekends open 11 am-5 pm

Vernissage: July 20th, 5pm-9pm


Phone: (514) 210-8750

Curator: Beatrice Shilton

Artists: Stephanie Flowers, Eva Tellier, Veronique Tremblay, Hea R. Kim, Helen Adilia Arceyut-Frixione, and Lysanne Larose

Rework Traditions : Une Exploration de la Sculpture en Céramique est une exposition collective qui célèbre la puissance de l'argile comme médium d'expression artistique, plus spécifiquement comme médium sculptural. Cette exposition explore la capacité de l'argile à combler le fossé entre le physique et l'imaginaire, l'utilitaire et le conceptuel. L'exposition présentera le travail de six artistes céramistes émergentes qui ont une perspective contemporaine sur les matériaux artisanaux traditionnels et qui utilisent ces matériaux pour détourner leur utilisation historique dans des objets fonctionnels. À noter, cette exposition met en vedette exclusivement les œuvres d'artistes femmes, dont Stephanie Flowers, Eva Tellier, Veronique Tremblay, Hea R. Kim, Helen Adilia Arceyut-Frixione et Lysanne Larose.

Rework Traditions: An Exploration of Ceramic Sculpture is a group exhibition that celebrates the power of clay as a medium for artistic expression, specifically as a sculpture medium. This exhibition explores the ability of clay to bridge the gap between the physical and the imagined, the utilitarian and the conceptual. The show will present the work of six emerging ceramic artists who have a contemporary perspective on traditional craft materials, and who use these materials to subvert their historical use in functional objects. Notably, this exhibition exclusively features the works of female artists, including Stephanie Flowers, Eva Tellier, Veronique Tremblay, Hea R. Kim, Helen Adilia Arceyut-Frixione, and Lysanne Larose.

July 11

1000°C Textures: Ricardo Ruiz Ruz

August 2